
Marianne Moore_'Black Earth'

Marianne Moore at the Bronx Zoo, 1953
© Esther Bubley/Pix Inc./The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images

On Friday we'll be presenting on Marianne Moore's 'Black Earth' (1921). Closely linked to many other writers on this module, including Ezra Pound and H.D., Moore also worked as editor of the magazine The Dial (1840-1929), and proved to be an infleuntial poet of intense precision and complexity.

Here are 3 reading topics for you to think about:

The image of the elephant;
Space and environment;
The multiple voices and figures in the poem.

Moore was well-known for her use of animal imagery and her interest in Biology throughout her work: click here for more pictures of Marianne Moore at the Bronx zoo, taken by Esther Bubley for a feature in Life magazine, in 1953.

Enjoy the pictures and the poem - looking forward to hearing about what you think next week!

Júlia Rodrigues
Francisca Portugal
Eleanor Weinel

1 comentário:

  1. Thanks for your post! Indeed, it is interesting to consider how Moore's use of the animal world serves as a decentralizing strategy and a comment on the prevailing anthropocentric perspective in literature. The photographs recall us that this poet was a performer and played with her public image throughout her career.
