

Although it's not directly related to the topic of US Literature, I found Logan to be a very interesting film that dwells on the themes of enclosure, both physical and symbolical walls, and the relationship between the individual and nature. Here is a video essay (spoiler alert) where some of these themes are analysed, that also shows us what Logan takes from older films and what it says about modern society. I find it funny that there are a lot of similarities between this film and Trump's America, almost like it was a prediction. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the film and check this analysis when you've seen it!

Vítor Dutta Gomes

1 comentário:

  1. Grata pela partilha, Vítor. De facto, quando estamos a estudar a literatura de um país específico, é interessante estabelecermos diálogos com outras produções culturais que nos possam ajudar a estabelecer tópicos recorrentes.
