

Dear classmates,

I had the opportunity to quickly presenting AIESEC to you in class, but there was no visual support at the time. In this post I leave you the link to the presentation we use in our info sessions. It has all the basic information, but please feel free to talk to me if you have any doubts or curiosities.

If doing an exchange abroad is not something possible for you right now, but you'd still like to be part of this work, please know that we will be recruiting new members in December. If you are interested please send an email with your information and motivations to: youth.talent@iscte.aiesec.pt

Thank you!

- Catarina Pereira

1 comentário:

  1. Grata, Catarina, é um prazer saber que tenho alunos ativistas, crentes que podemos ser a mudança que queremos ver no mundo (parafraseando Gandhi).
