
'Captain Fantastic'

After our discussions on Wednesday, and if anyone is looking for a film to watch over the weekend, I would like to recommend Captain Fantastic.
Whilst not directly connected to the texts or writers on this course, it links well with our examination of childhood narcissism and early infant dependency on adults, as well as societal conditioning, alternative education methods and the interdependency of our society (when buying manufactured products/food, etc).

The film is based on a couple who have raised their children in the wilderness, building their own homes, hunting and foraging for their own food and living out of contact with society. After circumstances force them to abandon this lifestyle, the film follows their attempts to reintegrate into society and the consequences of having lived in such a way. I found the film really thought- provoking, as well as incredibly funny and heartwarming - I do highly recommend it!

Watch the trailer here!

- Eleanor Weinel

1 comentário:

  1. This is a recurrent topic in US literature and culture, the tension between civilization and the "call of the wild," bringing with it the potentiality for a new social order. Thanks for sharing, Eleanor!
