

Dear classmates,

On our last lesson we briefly discussed the concepet of intersectionality, while talking about how modernist writers use different points of view in their works, rather than just focusing on the "neutral" subject's (i.e. the WASP's) perspective. I invite you to see this TED talk and maybe also read one of Kimberlé Crenshaw's articles called ''Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color'', because although it's not directly related to this subject, I believe that it's very important to be aware of these issues. You can find it online here.

-Alice Silva 

1 comentário:

  1. Grata, Alice, é, de facto, fundamental pensarmos na identidade como uma galáxia de variantes que, em movimento, se vão mutuamente delimitando, num contexto mais alargado também ele em mudança dinâmica.
