
Ana Hatherly_Exhibition

After reading Eliot's "Tradition and the Individual Talent", I thought it would be relevant to share this FCGulbenkian's exhibition about the Portuguese artist and author Ana Hatherly (1929-2015) and the correlation between her works and the baroque era.
Indeed, the main idea of the exhibition explores exactly T.S. Eliot concept of tradition and the importance of the past. Here is the link for the museum description. Tickets cost 3€ (and possibly we have student discount!)

 Ana Hatherly, The Suspended Angels (1998)

Also, the curator organizes a series of activities surrounding the theme (including some guided tours and some workshops). There is particularly one that I think it is relevant, the open class "What sort of relationship can an artist have with a period that has passed or is now 'historical'?" (Which is part of the Master’s Aesthetics course programme at the Department of Philosophy, FCSH, UNL). Saturday, 25 November, 14:30 – Founder’s Collection. In Portuguese only

-Francisca Portugal

2 comentários:

  1. Grata, Francisca! Esta exposição é, de facto, apresentada pelo curador como uma espécie de ensaio que estabelece um diálogo entre a obra de Hatherly e o contexto barroco (por ela estudado a nível académico), e pode ser visto como remetendo para a ideia eliotiana de que a tradição informa sempre as criações artísticas.

  2. Hoje o suplemento 'Ípsilon', do diário 'Público', trazia um artigo sobre a exposição : https://www.publico.pt/2017/10/12/culturaipsilon/noticia/o-barroco-e-muito-hot-1788445
