
Free Online Course


I'm sharing with you the free online course on Modern and Contemporary American Poetry that I had talked about. It's an amazing tool for both students and literature teachers, there are so many resources and many of the authors we are going to study are on its syllabus. I highly recommend it because it introduced me to so many great poets and it really enriched both my capacity for interpretation and my perspective on modernist poetry! You don't need to participate actively on the course, you can enroll on it only to watch the videos and to use the materials available (I actually did that the first time I enrolled and only participated on the activities the following year when I came back to earn a certificate). Each year on the first semester the course is active with a lot of live webcasts and forum discussions, but it's open all year for whoever wants to access it.
I hope it's as useful and as pleasant to you as it was to me! Check out the other free courses on Coursera, too; it's an amazing learning platform! Here goes the link.

Bianca Burlacchini

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