
Ernest Hemingway

Dear classmates,
On the 15th of November we are going to present Hemingway's short story "Hills Like White Elephants". We would like to invite you to start by reading the short story and then focus on the following topics:

1) Abortion;
2) Female vs. male perspective;
3) Agency.

Furthermore we would like to open the debate by having you answer the following questions:

1) Do you think that the male character's behaviour is accepttable?
2) How is abortion considered in Portugal?

In addition, we invite you to take a look at Paula Rego's works on abortion, such as the triptych reproduced below.

Paula Rego (1935-), Triptych (1998)
Pastel on paper, mounted on aluminium (110 x 100cm). Image here

We also suggest you to listen to the artist talk about her stance on this topic (here). You may find some criticism on Rego's politics of sexuality here.
    And, if you go to Cascais, visit Casa das Histórias, Paula Rego's museum.

    Thank you for your attention!

    Raquel Garcia Pérez, Fabrizio Consiglio, Enrica Spiga

    1 comentário:

    1. It is interesting to notice that in both Rego's pastels and Hemingway's story the subject of abortion is treated as 'obscene', in the etymological sense of the word — in the Greek Tragedy, topics too violent to be exposed were kept off the scene (and announced by the chorus, for instance).
